From the Colorado Partnership for Thriving Families:
- Bright by Text provides free tips, information, and resources to help all parents and caregivers give every child a bright beginning.
- VROOM Brain Building activities is a great free tool for families with young children, ages 0-5
- HIPPY International is enabling free downloads of their parent-child activity books, which include two weeks worth of activities to do with children ages 3-4.
- ABC Mouse has online reading, math, science, and art curriculum for children ages 2-8
- Science Experiments:
- Little Shop of Physics has a variety of science videos
- has a wide range of different kinds of classes for children ages 3-18.
- Schoology has tools for preparing for distance learning
- Khan Academy is an incredible resource for online learning content for all ages
- Online learning information from Estes Park School District
- Here is an article about free online learning tools for kids
Wi-Fi/Smartphone Data Resources:
- Xfinity is offering free hotspots
- Charter Communications will offer free access to broadband for 60 days to households with K-12 and / or college students
- AT&T is removing data caps associated with their wireless and wired connections (see “Customer Offers
- Comcast is increasing access and speeds to their Internet Essentials Program ($10 / month broadband); new families get 60 days free
- T-Mobile is supporting K-12 school districts with a Distance Learning Program
- Partners for a Healthy Baby made their digital curriculum textable.
The list above was developed by the Colorado Partnership for Thriving Families, which works collaboratively across the State of Colorado to create the conditions for strong families and communities where children are healthy, valued and thriving. Illuminate Colorado is the backbone support organization for The Partnership.