Social connections are especially challenging for families right now – but remain key to reducing stress. As one of the five protective factors for Strengthening Families, it’s still important to know that you are not alone out there as a parent. Virtual opportunities are popping up every day, and we’d like to share a couple to get you started.
Circle of Parents
You’re only human and humans are social creatures, and we’re happiest and healthiest when we regularly spend time with others. Connecting with other people can reduce stress and help you remember others care about you. Right now, we need to do that online.
Join other parents and caregivers all around Colorado online to share support, tips and advice or just talk. Vent, cry, and laugh, and joke, and find out how other parents are navigating this new world. Talk about:
- Activities to do at home with children
- How to maintain self-care and self-kindness
- Resources and tips to stay healthy and safe
- How to talk about what’s going on with your children
- … whatever you want to talk about!
Click HERE to learn more about Circle of Parents or view the flyers below:
Circulo de Padres
Statewide Circle of Parents Groups
Statewide Circle of Parents Group Meeting Info
Illuminating Colorado Parenthood Facebook Group
Parenting is stressful on a normal day and these days are anything, but normal. Illuminate Colorado Facebook page continues to promote resources that may support parents in raising children of all ages. We also know it is important to keep your spirits high by sharing inspiring or funny memes to build your parental resilience. We want more of a two-way street. Join the Illuminating Colorado Parenthood Facebook Group to share your lived experience with other parents. Get answers to important questions like, just how many cups can one kid use in a day? While parents and caregivers might need to vent, this group is a positive space. We hope you will join together to encourage each other to enjoy time with your child during these stressful times and celebrate what you like about being a parent, in the midst of all of this. Or, may be you are having one of those days and you need a reminder yourself.
Check out more ways to connect in the following article: Coronavirus Resources & Tips for Parents, Children & Others.
For details on all of the protective factors, click HERE.